Organic Yemen To Launch New Products Under Yuri & Terra Brand
Yuri and Terra, the high-end retail brand of Organic Yemen is launching four new products next month. The four new products include:
● Yemen Marai Multifloral Premium Honey
● Moringa Powder Nutritional Supplement
● Trio Blend (blend of Jojoba, Moringa and Rosehip oil)
With this, YT’s wellness product range will expand to six and contain eight SKUs. Yemen’s export is going to get a significant bump with this new rollout. OY is planning to export its products using existing on- and offline sale channels. The targeted countries include the UAE, Thailand and Malaysia.
This agricultural investment will greatly benefit farmers, who can now produce new products and export high-value crops. Yemen’s value chain will also gain more popularity as a source of high-quality products. Investors will appreciate the higher margins and profit that come with more high-end retail products reaching more high-paying customers globally.
OY Launching Products Across Wellness Category
By expanding OY’s reach in the wellness industry, the company is looking to receive more returns from its agricultural investments. This marks OY’s upward climb on the value chain; from growers of agriculture raw material to producers of high-end finished goods.
Yemen Sidr Honey
Y&T Pure Sidr Honey
● Yemen Sidr Honey comes directly from the local apiarists who employ traditional bee-keeping techniques.
● The bees are only fed on the nectar of the Sidr tree making them 100% natural. This distinctively aromatic honey is reputed for its quality.
● Sidr honey has important nutrients like antioxidants, flavonoids, vitamin C, amino acids and vital enzymes. This makes it ideal for curing a wide variety of ailments.
Yemen’s Multifloral (Marai) Honey
● Yemen’s Multifloral Honey is obtained from the nectar of bees that collect honey within 5km of the farm. As the name suggests, Multifloral Honey contains the goodness of nectar from different flowers.
● This honey has high levels of probiotic enzymes, flavonoids, anti-oxidants and nutrients such as Vitamin B and C. Multifloral honey contains bactericidal elements, making it a common remedy against anaemia.
● Some common benefits of consuming multiflora honey include a healthy stomach, digestive system, heart and nourished skin. The non-pungent flavour of this honey makes it a healthy sugar alternative for children and adults.
Moringa Leaf Powder
Y&T Moringa Powder
● It is made from organic Moringa without chemical fertilizers is the best natural supplement on the market.
● Moringa, nicknamed the ‘tree of life’ has unmatched beauty and health benefits. This supplement will give users all the essential nutrients to power them throughout the day. It is rich in fibre, iron, amino acids, vitamins, and calcium and also has anti-inflammatory properties. Moringa Leaf powder will make a great nutritious addition to your salads, soups and smoothies.
● This product is ideal for those looking to get more nutrients without too much effort.
Trio Blend
Y&T Trio oil Blend
● Trio oil blend is a revolutionary product made from the oil extracted from 100% natural Rosehip, Moringa and Jojoba.
● This trio oil blend is rich in antioxidants, Vitamins A, C and E and also contains behenic, oleic and omega fatty acids for deep skin nourishment. By daily using the trio blend, users have reported better hair and skin health.
● The lightweight travel-friendly packaging makes this ideal for those looking for hair and skin protection on the go.
Benefits To OY Investors, OY Partners And Country
Benefit To Investors
❖ OY’s wellness product range expansion will allow it to incorporate more agricultural raw materials into the products and diversify the end products it offers.
❖ The wider range of products will create more brand loyalty among consumers, and give more confidence to distributors and retailers. This will translate into higher sales and margins.
❖ Existing sales channels in Yemen, UAE and Thailand, and new ones in Malaysia, will enable investors to diversify their customer base and increase sales.
Benefits To Local Partners
❖ This agricultural investment would further expand the market for agricultural products. The local partners will also earn more money because of the high selling price.
❖ By diversifying Yemen’s value chain, more and more income avenues get generated for local partners.
Benefits To Country
❖ By selling locally made products, Yemen will receive much positive publicity. This would also solidify in the minds of the customers the high-quality nature of Yemeni products. Utilizing foreign markets, the total Yemeni export of goods would also increase.
❖ Constantly updating Yemen’s value chain products will also generate more employment opportunities for local and migrant workers.
❖ Furthermore, creating such a diversified range of high-quality products will build Yemen’s reputation as a source of high-quality products. This would in turn bolster more impact investment in Yemen.
OY Pre-Eminent Yemen’s Impact Investing Partner
OY is one of the largest contributors to the development of Yemen’s value chain due to its persistent efforts. Organic Yemen’s relentless effort, on-the-ground activities and nationwide network of contacts make it the ideal partner for agriculture impact investment.
Additionally, OY is relentlessly working to develop new and improved products for international markets to boost Yemen’s exports. Another highlighting feature of Yemen is their constant willingness to uplift local farmers, which would in turn boost Yemen’s economic development.
OY will offer the investors the most hassle-free and confident avenues for impact investments in Yemen’s value chain. Contact us to discuss your