Yemen Oilseed Impact Investing
In simple terms, oilseeds are seeds that produce edible oils. These seeds have uses everywhere, from food to plastics to cosmetics. Organic Yemen (OY), however, only focuses on using oilseeds for high-end cosmetic and wellness applications. It does so by managing the entire value chain from planting to processing to retail packaging and selling. All the while ensuring profitability for investors, positive environmental impact for the planet and the highest quality experience for its customers.
But, investing in OY oilseeds doesn’t include all seeds. People might think of soybean, sunflower, or canola when they think of oilseeds. But with OY, companies can invest in more specialized jojoba, moringa, castor, argan, and blackseed oilseeds. These are premium oilseeds that one can find in cosmetics, as well as other wellness products.
Investing with OY is profitable as investors are guaranteed a stable, high-margin customer in the form of OY’s Yuri & Terra brand. Your investment also brings social and economic development to Yemen, as its farms and manufacturing facilities create jobs where none existed before. It also shows that Yemen is a land of opportunity and quality, attracting more investors and increasing your impact.
OY is your pre-eminent impact investing partner in Yemen. So, if you’re someone who wants to go good while doing well in Yemen, investing with OY is a must.
Oilseeds Are A Profitable Impact Agriculture Investment
Investing in oilseeds may get confusing for people. But not all oilseed investments are the same.
Typical oilseeds like soybean, sunflower, etc. are commodity crops, which mean they are grown worldwide, and have uniform yet often very unstable prices. They need very large farms which have an intense impact on the environment, since only those producers with the lowest costs make money.
But OY produces high-end cosmetic oilseeds like jojoba and moringa. They need smaller farms, are more specialized and therefore profitable, and have a positive impact on the environment in terms of combating desertification and providing jobs in marginalized communities. This makes them the perfect way to diversify your agriculture investment portfolio.
Premium oilseeds like Jojoba and Moringa are also great for the environment. They require less water for growth than competitor crops, and to help rehabilitate the ground.
Now the oilseeds grown in OY are jojoba, moringa, argan, black seed, rosehip and castor. But, new oilseeds are under research and will come online soon. They get tested for sustainability in partnership with local agricultural institutes and universities, and are approved by Yuri & Terra for their marketability in high-end cosmetics.
All the oilseeds produced at OY are unique in themselves and have major benefits. Below are some details about each:
Jojoba Oilseeds come from the plant S. Chinensis. These are drought-resistant shrubs and are grown in the arid environments like Yemen’s deserts. Seeds are large, light brown, or black. They have high economic value and are used in haircare, skincare and other personal care items.
Moringa Olifers are fast-growing softwood trees. They are grown in subtropic and tropic areas. But they can also grow well in a prolonged drought. Since they have a high content of monounsaturated fatty acids, these plants are great for both food and non-food applications.
Argan oil comes from kernels of the argan tree. Argan oilseeds are inside the nut of the argan fruit. These are grown in semi-arid environments and used for food and non-food applications. In cosmetics, Argan oils are great for skin and hair.
Black Seed:
Black seeds, found in the plant Nigella Sativa. They are grown in Western Asia and Eastern Europe. They have many ayurvedic benefits. They have also used medicines and cure various conditions.
Black seeds
The Ricinus communis plant produces Castor seeds. They are also called castor beans. They are large plants from the spurge family. They are grown in tropical Africa. These seeds have uses in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. They have many ayurvedic benefits as well.
OY Castor trees Farms
Organic Yemen Unique Investment Offering
Investing with Organic Yemen comes with many benefits.
OY manages the entire value chain. It includes planting, processing, exporting, and selling to customers.
It manages its own high-end retail brand creation, Yuri & Terra, which has on- and offline sales channels in UAE, Malaysia and Thailand, in addition to Yemen itself.
It pays careful attention to Yemen ESG (environmental, social and economic impact) considerations when planning its projects.
OY investments are also super low risk and great for new investors. This is due to:
OY makes extensive use of data to find the most suitable growing locations. It also monitors growth with the best hardware (weather stations) and software (Agrivi).
OY has diversity. It has partners all over Yemen. This means the investments get divided into several parts. So that elements like bad weather, pests, and the inability of the area don’t affect the investment.
The main motive of OY is to create big impacts and by investing in OY one can do that too. The biggest impacts created by OY to date are:
OY grows farms in partnership with local farmers from different regions. This means a person’s investments can touch many lives. Rather than one huge soybean farm.
OY focuses on water and land conservation when choosing plants to grow. This helps protect the environment as well.
Thus, investing in OY means investing toward a brighter future. Not only for yourself but the whole of Yemen.
To invest with us, contact us now.